
How to Have a Green Wedding

These days, more and more people are committed to being ecologically conscious. If you’re one of them, why not extend your “green” mindset to your wedding day? There are many things you can do to create a wedding that’s more sustainable and more environmentally friendly.

Be Mindful When it Comes to Flowers

At many weddings, elaborate floral arrangements and bouquets are a staple. However, these flowers often get tossed aside the moment the wedding is over. If you want to behave a bit more responsibly, look into other, out-of-the-box possibilities. For example, you could cut down on the environmental impact by working with a local florist, opting for silk flowers instead, or even using potted plants that can be kept alive following your big day.

Select a Sustainable Venue

Many wedding venues care about the environment as much as you do. In fact, there are venues all over the world that take a sustainable approach to weddings. From relying on solar power to recycling wedding leftovers, modern venues have all kinds of good practices in place. You can search specifically for “green” venues in your desired wedding area, or you can simply talk about sustainability practices with your prospective venues. Alternatively, you could skip the traditional venue completely and get married in the great outdoors. A national forest or the beaches of Maui are just a couple of a host of awesome ideas.

Cut Down on Waste

Finally, make an effort to reduce waste wherever you can. For instance, you could send out virtual invitations instead of paper ones. Similarly, you could offer recyclable wedding programs or put your programs online instead. You might also look into donating leftover wedding food to charities that could put it to good use and at serving less food in general. The less waste you create with your wedding, the better.

Most people view weddings as a time where it’s okay to be selfish. Thus, being mindful of others and the planet during your wedding is commendable. Give yourself a pat on the back for your thoughtfulness, and then follow your heart. Remember, your wedding doesn’t have to be 100% “green” to have an impact. Any effort you make counts for a lot.