RSVP Protocol

What You Need to Know About RSVP Protocol

Once your wedding goes from a dream to a real thing that’s actually going to happen, it’s time to get excited! It’s also time to start inviting your guests. But, what can you expect from there? While there will always be some stragglers who don’t RSVP or who do so late, most people will follow basic RSVP protocol. Knowing that protocol yourself can help you prepare for the RSVP process.

Make Sure You Send Out Your Invitations in Time

To begin with, if you want timely RSVPs, send timely invitations. In general, brides and grooms are encouraged to send invitations at least six to eight weeks prior to their weddings. However, if you’re having a destination wedding, especially if it’s somewhere exotic like Maui, you should give your guests even more time to plan and respond.

Include All the Details

Another tip to keep in mind is to make your invitations as detailed as possible. Include the date of your ceremony, the start time, and the location. That way, people can accurately assess whether or not they’ll be able to attend. They can also let you know if they have any special circumstances, like only being able to attend part of the ceremony or reception.

Ask Them to RSVP By a Certain Date

You stand a much better chance of getting on-time RSVPs if you indicate an RSVP deadline. Typically, you should request that your guests RSVP by about two or three weeks before your wedding. If they don’t adhere to this date, you can send a quick follow-up email or text. But, barring that, it’s okay to take those guests out of your headcount. The only other option is to leave a few spots open for those “just in case” attendees. While this is a polite thing to do, it does mean that you may spend money on guests who don’t show. Ultimately, it’s up to you how you wish to handle non-responders.

Hopefully, you’ll start getting RSVPs very soon after you send out your invites. That certainly helps for planning purposes. But, if your guests take a little longer, don’t worry too much. As long as you’ve followed this advice, you’ll know you’ve handled the invites and RSVPs exactly as you should.