3 Small Wedding Tips that Make a Big Difference

3 Small Wedding Tips that Make a Big Difference

The decision to get married is a major one. In fact, it’s probably the biggest decision you’ll ever make in your life. But, as serious as a wedding is, it’s also something to be treasured and enjoyed. You need to make the most of every moment because, with any luck, you’ll only get married once.

Of course, with that said, it’s easy to get so caught up in the commotion of wedding planning that you miss the joy. However, if you can follow some small but meaningful tips, you can get a lot more fun out of your big day.

Tip #1: Celebrate First, Plan Later

Get your engagement and your wedding off on the right foot! Instead of jumping into planning the second a ring is on your finger, take a few days to enjoy the fact that you’re engaged. Tell your friends and family. Take engagement photos. Maybe even take a pre-wedding-planning trip to Maui or some other locale together. If you begin with an attitude of happiness and celebration, it’s sure to stay with you throughout the entire planning process.

Tip #2: Consider Comfort

On your wedding day, you want to be as comfortable as possible. Thus, consider your comfort in every decision that you make. Don’t buy the wedding dress that’s too tight or the heels that are too tall. Choose a venue that makes you feel at home and at ease. After all, how things look is never as important as how they make you feel.

Tip #3: Be in the Moment

Finally, when the big day comes, let go of all your worries and cares. Plan and plan well in the days and weeks leading up to your wedding. But, once it finally arrives, stop the planning, worrying, and stressing. Accept that what’s done is done and that nothing is ever perfect. If you can do this and just be in the moment, then you can have a blast on your perfectly (even if imperfect) special day.

These simple tips can have a surprisingly major impact . . . at least if you follow them! Ultimately, you deserve to have a wedding day filled with memories you can cherish, and these tips are the perfect way to achieve just that.