3 Tips for a Totally Unique Wedding

3 Tips for a Totally Unique Wedding

Couples get married every day. And, for the most part, their weddings look basically the same. The bride wears a white dress, and there’s lots of flowers and a big cake. There’s certainly nothing wrong with this traditional type of wedding. But, if you want to break the mold and do something different, you definitely can! In fact, it’s downright easy if you try one (or more!) of these tips.

Tip #1: Make Bold Fashion Choices

One of the easiest ways to buck tradition is by opting for less conventional attire. The bride can be bold and daring in a non-white color or even a print dress. Bridesmaids can all wear dresses that speak to their own personal style and that make them look less like clones. The possibilities are endless. If you want your wedding to be different, then take a risk with your fashion choices. Everyone is sure to notice!

Tip #2: Change Up The Ring Bearer

At most weddings, the ringer bearer is a very young boy, often a nephew or other relative of the bride or groom. However, there’s no rule that says the role has to go to a child. You can shake things up by letting a beloved pet serve as ring bearer. Or, you could even hire an entertainer/ring bearer to shock and delight the crowd. If you go against convention and keep it a secret until the big day, your wedding will undoubtedly be one to remember.

Tip #3: Give Your Guests Ribbon Wands

For a beautiful, unique touch, give your guests ribbon wands. These are exactly what they sound like: wands with long, flowing ribbons attached. Often used in dancing, these wands will look beautiful waving around at your wedding. This is especially true with outdoor weddings. Just imagine flowing ribbon wands on the beaches of Maui! Wand waving can happen when the bride walks down the aisle, at the big send-off, or anywhere you prefer. In any case, it will make an impression!

As you can see, there are many ways to think outside of the box for your wedding day. You can try one of these ideas, come up with some of your own, or just forget about tradition entirely and make the day all about what you want. Ultimately, as long as your wedding is one you’re proud of, that’s all that truly matters.