3 Tips to Make Your Wedding More Eco-Friendly

3 Tips to Make Your Wedding More Eco-Friendly

In today’s world, more and more people are realizing the importance of “going green.” If you’re one of them, know that you can and should extend your values to your wedding day. Surprisingly, creating an eco-friendly, sustainable wedding is easier than you might think, especially if you can follow a few basic tips.

Tip #1: Choose Vendors with Care

One of the easiest ways to make your wedding more environmentally friendly is to be very selective about the vendors you choose. Whenever possible, choose bakers and caterers who use local ingredients or who are local to you. If you’re getting married on Maui, for example, it takes a lot less energy to pick up a cake from the local baker than to have one flown in from some far-off place.

Also, try and choose vendors that have your same values. A catering company that focuses on using less plastic or reducing waste, for example, can make a major difference in the overall impact of your big day.

Tip #2: Keep the Guest List Small

Small weddings may not be possible for everyone. But, if you want to greatly reduce your wedding’s carbon footprint, whittle down the guest list as much as possible. The fewer people at your wedding, the less traveling to your wedding. Fewer guests also mean less trash and less waste. Thus, you’ll get to enjoy a more intimate day and help save the planet in the process. What could be better?

Tip #3: Research Your Rings

As a final tip, don’t buy the wedding rings without putting in some research. Believe it or not, there are a lot of jewelers out there that use recycled materials, lab-grown diamonds, and other ethical options to craft gorgeous rings. With a little research, you can enjoy a ring that’s not only unique, but also responsible.

Your wedding is a day to show your love and devotion to your partner. But, it’s also the perfect opportunity to show some love and devotion to the planet too. Follow these tips, and you’ll end up with a wedding you can be proud of on many levels.