Attending a Destination Wedding? Here’s What You Should Know

Attending a Destination Wedding? Here’s What You Should Know

Getting invited to a destination wedding can bring about a lot of emotions. You might feel stressed about making travel plans. Or, you might feel excited about the chance to see a new place. And, whether the wedding is in Maui or some other exotic locale, you might as well make the most of it. Fortunately, these tips can help you do just that.

Think of it Like a Vacation

As an invited wedding guest, your first responsibility is to be there for the bride and groom. This is especially true if you’re a member of the wedding party. But, there’s no law that says you can’t (or shouldn’t) build in some fun for yourself. In fact, when possible, you should think of the wedding as a sort of vacation. Once your attendance or responsibilities are done, you can get out there and have some fun. Thus, try and stay an extra day or two and plan some enjoyable activities for you and other friends who may be attending.

Research the Location

If you’re unfamiliar with the wedding location or if it’s somewhere you wouldn’t choose for yourself, don’t immediately write it off. Almost every area has something fun and unique to offer. So, keep a positive attitude and research entertainment, dining, and other opportunities in the area. Before you know it, you’ll probably have a full list of things you want to do and try.

Don’t Put Pressure on the Bride and Groom

As a final tip, make sure you don’t put any pressure or stress on the bride and groom. Chances are they’ve got plenty of that already! For example, if you arrive early, don’t pressure them into doing something with you or adding an extra night to your hotel stay if they’re footing the bill. It’s impolite and unfair. Besides, there are likely plenty of other guests you know or can get to know and who you can plan fun outings with.

A destination wedding is an adventure, so treat it like such. If you focus on the benefits and decide to have a great time no matter what, then chances are you will!