Avoid These Wedding After-Party Errors

The wedding after party - Your Aloha Wedding

Avoid These Wedding After-Party Errors

If you and your soon-to-be-spouse are the partying type, you may be drawn to a recent wedding trend: the after party. The after party, as the name implies, happens well after the reception is over and can go late into the night. It can be a lot of fun, but, if you’re not careful, it can also turn into a big disaster. To keep your post-wedding party enjoyable, avoid these major errors.

Error #1: Failing to Plan

An after party may be less stiff and formal than your actual wedding and reception, but it’s still an event. Thus, you need to have some kind of plan for how it will go. In other words, don’t just wing it. You need to have a location for the event, as well as a clear timeline for when the party begins and ends. You also need to notify guests of your plans ahead of time. Otherwise, some people might end up feeling left out or upset, which is the last thing you want.

Error #2: Not Being Clear about Your Party Plans

Once you’ve planned your after party, make sure everyone knows what it will involve. Many after parties, for example, involve drinking, dancing, and activities that aren’t kid friendly. As such, those with children may need to make childcare arrangements. LIkewise, individuals who don’t drink or who prefer a milder scene will need to know what to expect. Make sure everyone is well aware of not just the party, but of what it will entail.

Error #3: Failing to Make Transportation Plans

If your after party is going to involve alcohol (and most do), you need to make sure everyone has a safe way to get back home or, in the case of destination weddings, back to their hotel. This includes you and your partner! There’s no worse end to a wedding night than getting in trouble for drinking and driving. So, plan ahead and have a safe way to get everyone back to where they’re going, or at least let your guests know they’ll need to arrange their own transportation.

Whether your after party happens on the beaches of Maui or at your favorite night club, it’s sure to be a blast . . . at least with the right planning. Keep these tips in mind as you define your party plans, and everyone is sure to have a wonderful time. Just make sure you’re still able to remember your wedding the next day . . . and that you save some energy for the honeymoon.