Budget Weddings: What You Need to Know

Budget Weddings: What You Need to Know

Weddings are wonderful, but they can also be expensive. Unfortunately, not every couple can shell out big bucks on a wedding, nor do they necessarily want to. If you’re more of a budget-conscious couple, know that it’s perfectly fine to be particular about what you spend your money on. It’s also okay to cut a few corners if it means saving money. After all, it’s your wedding. However, if you’re going to stick carefully to a budget as you plan, it’s best to know a few things upfront.

You May Have to Skip Some Stuff

First of all, if you’re set on saving money, know that you may have to turn down a few things to stay within your budget. Many couples forgo traditional wedding items that they don’t really need, such as big flower displays or huge cakes. Some people might not like that you’re bucking tradition, but it’s your wedding and your wallet. Thus, do what works for you!

You’ll Probably Need To Be Picky

One of the most expensive parts of a wedding is providing for the guests. This is especially true if you’re serving a meal. As a result, you will likely need to be selective about your guest list. You may want to stick to inviting only family and very close friends. This can help to ease hurt feelings a bit if someone doesn’t get an invite. Plus, being honest about your budgetary reasons can help others to understand when they don’t make the cut.

You Can Still Have a Nice Honeymoon

Finally, know that being on a budget doesn’t mean you can’t have a nice honeymoon. In fact, in many cases, the money you save on your wedding can help you to have an even nicer one! Try having your wedding on Maui or some other location that can double as a honeymoon spot. That way, you won’t have to pay to travel twice. You can also look for and book special deals on hotels, resorts, and more, especially if you start planning early.

A wedding on a budget is not a bad thing. In fact, it can help you to start your marriage off without a ton of debt lurking over you. You just need to be prepared for all that it involves. Then, stick to your guns no matter what outside pressure you might feel. You’ll be glad you did later!