Choosing a First Dance Song

Choosing Your First Dance Song

As you prepare for your Maui wedding, you have lots of things to plan for and lots of decisions to make. A small but important decision to add to your list is which song you and your special someone want to dance to for your “first dance.” The song you choose can set the tone for your new relationship as a married couple and can also make for a memorable moment . . . at least if you choose with care.

Think About Special Moments

While some couples are lucky enough to have a song they’ve already chosen as “their song,” others are a bit more unclear on what their special song may be. And, even if you do have a special song, you may want to keep that private and choose a different one for your very public first dance.

Whatever your reasons, if you don’t already have a special song in mind, think back to special moments the two of you have shared. Did a song play on your first date? Did you dance to a song at someone else’s wedding? Going back through your memories together and thinking about what music was playing can be a great bonding experience. And, it might just end in finding the perfect first dance song.

Ask Others for Their Input

If you’re really stumped, don’t hesitate to ask others for their input. Ask couples you’re friends with what songs played for their first dance. You could even ask your parents what song they chose and then pay homage to their union by choosing the same song. Even if you don’t ultimately go with someone else’s suggestion, it might just spark a connection or a memory in your mind that can lead you to that perfect song.

Dare to Be Original

Finally, if you and/or your partner is creative, why not write your own song? You could set it to lyrical music you like. Or, if you’re really brave, you could even create music and lyrics of your own. You could each create a song, designate one of you to do the job, or collaborate for a unique song you’ve made together.

Ultimately, the music you choose for your first dance matters. But, what matters most is not the song itself but that it means something to you and the one you love.