Don’t Be a Bride-zilla: Follow These Tips to Keep Your Cool

When you’re planning a wedding, it’s normal to get overwhelmed and stressed from time to time. But, you can’t take that frustration out on others. If you do, you might be dubbed a bride-zilla (or a groom-zilla). Worse yet, you might find yourself with very few wedding guests in attendance. Fortunately, there are things you can do to keep your cool and keep the peace.

Be Considerate

Your big day may be all about you and your partner, but you still need to be considerate of others. If you’re having a destination wedding in Maui, for example, give everyone plenty of advance notice. That way, they can plan ahead, book their flights, and make other necessary arrangements. Also, be upfront with your bridal party about any expenses they’ll be responsible for so there are no surprises. A good rule of thumb is to try and think like a guest or wedding party member. If there’s something you’d like to be informed of ahead of time, share that information with those who need to know.

Don’t Do Everything Yourself

If you like to be in control, you may be tempted to handle all your wedding responsibilities on your own. However, this can lead to excess stress, which can increase your chances of being short-tempered with those you love. You’ll feel a lot better and treat everyone a lot better if you ask for help when and where you need it. Even better yet, consider hiring a wedding planner to do the really tough work for you.

Let Go of Perfectionism

It’s natural to want everything to go perfectly on your wedding day. After all, it’s a day you’ve dreamed about. But, life isn’t a dream. It’s life, and nothing ever goes 100% according to plan. The sooner you accept that and resolve to go with the flow, the better. Plan well, do your best, but also be willing to laugh off the little imperfections that might pop up. One day, they’ll be fond memories.

As you can see, there are many things you can do to keep a calm head in the weeks leading up to your wedding. Try these strategies, and take some time out to relax and unwind when you need it. You’ll feel better, and your loved ones will benefit too, which means everybody wins on your wedding day.