Don’t Make These Wedding Planning Mistakes

If you’re planning a wedding, chances are you’re feeling at least a little stressed. After all, even small weddings are major productions that require a lot of time and effort. Fortunately, however, there’s lots of good advice available to help you pull off your big day successfully. And, if you’re not sure where to start, consider these all-too-common wedding day mistakes and steer clear of them.

Mistake #1: Booking Your Venue at the Last Minute

You can’t have a wedding without a wedding venue. Thus, reserve a venue as soon as possible after your engagement. If you wait too long, you may have to settle for something you don’t truly love. Or, you might have to change your desired wedding date, which can lead to a host of other issues. Also, don’t just assume that outdoor spaces, like the beaches of Maui, are open for events at all times. Many outdoor spaces are actually privately owned. Plus, depending on the details, you may need a permit for your outdoor wedding.

Mistake #2: Not Having (Or Sticking To) a Budget

No one likes to think about how much a wedding costs. But, the fact remains that they do come with their fair share of expenses, and you and your wallet have to be prepared. Even if you’re dreading it, sit down with your partner and come up with a realistic wedding budget, and then do everything in your power to stick to it. This will make planning your wedding (without going broke) so much easier. It will also keep you from setting your sights on venues, decorations, or other items that are out of your financial league.

Mistake #3: Demanding Perfection

Many people spend their entire lives dreaming about their wedding day. They build it up so much in their heads that no real event could possibly measure up. Sadly, this kind of thinking often leads to disappointment. To avoid feeling let down, remind yourself that your wedding doesn’t have to be 100% perfect and that it probably won’t be. If you can accept this early on, you’ll have an easier time focusing on what does go well and just enjoying the moment.

Everyone makes mistakes, but you can at least avoid these three on your wedding day. Also, remember that, the more you plan, the more likely it is your wedding day will be a success. So, don’t wait. Start preparing for your wedding right away!