How to Choose the Right Bridesmaids

How to Choose the Right Bridesmaids

The bridesmaids are one of the most important parts of any wedding. Not only are they the people who stand up and take a large part in your ceremony, but they’re also the ones who will be with you at the bachelorette party, who will help you plan, and who will make your special day even more special. As such, it’s very important to choose them with care.

Think About Family First

The first thing to remember is that your day is your day. This means that you should have the ultimate say in who you feel most comfortable having as your bridesmaids. In general, though, it’s considered proper etiquette to at least ask your closest female family members first. Your sister or sisters, close cousins, and others should always be considered for bridesmaids’ spots to avoid hurt feelings. Remember, too, that there’s no limit on how many bridesmaids you can have, so don't be afraid to do the accepted thing by asking family members and then also asking as many close friends as you prefer.

Choose People Who Won’t Try to Take Over

As you select your bridal party, keep each potential bridesmaid’s personality in mind. You want to be careful of anyone with a very domineering or take-charge personality. While these types can make for great friends, they can be a disaster when planning a wedding. You don’t want someone who is going to try to take the reins at every turn. And, if you can’t avoid having such a person as a bridesmaid, at the very least don’t make them the maid-of-honor, a position in which they'll have even more power.

Consider Availability and Reliability

Finally, the most important thing is to choose bridesmaids who are actually available on your chosen wedding date and who, if you’re planning a destination wedding, such as a Maui wedding, can easily travel to your location. You also want people who are reliable and who won’t flake and throw off your plans at the last minute. By all means, ask the people you truly love and care about to serve as bridesmaids, but make sure you can also count on them and that it’s easily possible for them to serve at your wedding.

As you can see, a lot of thought and planning has to go into choosing great bridesmaids. But, if you’re willing to put in the effort, the end result should be a bridal party you can feel great about and have a blast with. Thus, all your work and planning will be well worth it in the end.