How to Have a Greener Wedding Day

How to Have a Greener Wedding Day

These days, more and more people are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious—and with good reason. The planet is in trouble, and humans are the only ones who can really help. If you’re someone who wants to help, not hurt, the planet, then look to your wedding plans. Chances are that there are many things you can do to reduce the carbon footprint of your big day.

Be Careful About Decorations

To start with, be careful and conscientious when it comes to choosing your wedding decorations. For example, balloons, especially if you’re releasing them into the air without thought, can be a major hazard to sea life and to the environment itself. Skip them in favor of something else celebratory but less damaging, like bubbles or even tossing leaves or flower petals into the air as a show of celebration. This is especially important if you're getting married somewhere like the beaches of Maui, where your nonchalance could cause serious and immediate damage.

Rent Your Clothes

Be honest. Are you really going to shorten that wedding dress and turn it into an everyday item?

If you’re like most people, the answer is no. The same is true for that tux the groom wears once.

Thus, consider renting wedding attire. You’ll wear it, get some great pictures and memories, and then return it to be enjoyed by others. You might not have the mementos hanging in your closet, but you will have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you did a good deed.

Opt for Email

Do you really need to send out paper invitations . . . only to wonder and worry whether or not they arrived?

Why not send out email or social media invites instead? You can enact delivery receipts, get instant responses, and save some serious trees in the process.

Your wedding may be your day, but how you hold it can have a lasting impact on the planet. If it’s important to you to make it a positive one, then put these and other smart tips into practice. That way, your wedding day memories can be truly sweet.