How to Have the Vegan Wedding of Your Dreams

How to Have the Vegan Wedding of Your Dreams

For many people, being vegan is more than just a dietary choice. Instead, it’s an entire lifestyle. If you fall into this category, you’ll undoubtedly want your wedding to be as vegan-friendly as possible. You may even want it to be 100% vegan. And, while that does present a few challenges, it’s certainly possible to have a vegan wedding. These simple tips can help you get started.

Don’t Give in to Pressure

Sometimes, vegan brides and grooms may feel pressured to provide non-vegan treats for their guests. Some couples even get a vegan cake for themselves and a non-vegan one for their attendees. You can certainly do this if you want to, but don’t feel compelled to serve a non-vegan cake or any non-vegan food at your wedding. Having multiple cakes or dishes is an added expense. Plus, there’s really no need for it. Vegan foods can be delicious even for meat and dairy eaters. Furthermore, if you don’t broadcast that foods are vegan, the majority of your guests probably won’t know the difference.

Consider a Buffet

If you’re serving a full meal, a buffet is a good idea. This gives you a chance to offer a variety of vegan foods to people. That way, even those unaccustomed to vegan cuisine will likely find something they want to try. And, if you’re open to non-vegan foods on the menu, this can provide more variety for your pickiest guests. Just make sure that, in this case, all foods are clearly marked. This can help you avoid any dietary mishaps.

Being vegan or even having vegan guests brings about some challenges when preparing the wedding menu. But, at the end of the day, it’s not about what you eat or even where the wedding is. Whether you’re on the beaches of Maui or at your hometown church, the whole point is to celebrate your love with the people you love. If you keep that in mind, everything, including the menu, is sure to fall into place.