How to Pick a Perfect Wedding Venue

How to Pick a Perfect Wedding Venue

Planning a wedding means making a lot of big decisions. And, one of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is where to have your event. The venue you choose will set the entire tone for your wedding and, ultimately, can make or break your big day. Thus, choose it with care!

Size Matters

First things first, you need to select a wedding venue that’s large enough to accommodate your guests and all the items and activities you plan to have at the wedding and/or reception. Remember, a room may look big, but by the time you add in a dance floor and a buffet table, it can become downright cramped. Thus, consider everything you plan to do with a particular space before deciding if it’s right for you. And, if you want to be especially cautious, get exact measurements of prospective spaces to aid you in your planning and help you make the right decision.

Convenience Counts

In addition to an adequately sized venue, you also want a venue that’s convenient all around. This means picking a spot that’s easy to find and get to for all of your guests. Also, if you’re having out-of-town attendees, you may want to pick a location near or even in a hotel.

Convenience matters not just for your guests, but also for you! You want a venue that, ideally, can host both your wedding and your reception. The venue should also be easy to access for pre-wedding planning and set-up, and it should have ample room for changing and getting ready on your big day.

Appearance is Everything

Finally, choose a venue that you find attractive and that makes you feel good about your wedding. Avoid venues with ugly or rundown exteriors. No matter how nice you make them look on the inside, the outside still provides the first impression. Likewise, steer clear of venues that look overly dated, that are awkwardly lit, or that have ugly colors or other permanent features you can’t cover with décor. Ultimately, even if it means spending more, you deserve a wedding venue you can feel proud of.

As you can see, choosing a venue requires some real thought and effort on your part. That’s true whether you’re planning a tropical Maui wedding, a small church wedding, or anything in between. However, if you’re true to yourself and your vision, then you can ultimately find the perfect venue with just a little persistence.