How to Plan a Pinterest Perfect Wedding

How to Plan a Pinterest Perfect Wedding 

Pinterest is a social media app that allows people to browse through images and ideas and to “pin” the ones that interest them. You can think of it like a virtual vision board, one that can be extremely helpful for planning your wedding. However, there is a right and a wrong way to use Pinterest in this regard, and you want to make sure you’re on the right side of things.  

Do Use it To Get Inspired 

The whole point of Pinterest is to get inspired and to gather some great ideas. Thus, by all means, use it for that purpose. Pin wedding ideas on everything from decor to location to help you come up with a vision of your perfect wedding. Who knows? Those pins might just lead you to move the wedding to Maui or to change the entire aesthetic you were going for. Dream and plan with Pinterest, and even let yourself have some fun!  

Don’t Waste Time  

Once you’ve done your Pinterest dreaming and have used it to come up with a wedding plan, then it’s time to put away the app. Unfortunately, a lot of people forget this part. They get so hooked on Pinterest and so used to browsing it that they continue using it after their wedding plans have been cemented. Unfortunately, this often leads to wasted time, last-minute changes, and, if you’re not careful, a wedding that can appear jumbled and as if it were put together piecemeal. Thus, know when to stop, and don’t waste time—time you could devote to planning your own wedding—browsing Pinterest.  

Don’t Compare Too Much  

Finally, don’t expect for everything about your wedding to be as perfect as what you see on Pinterest. Many of the images you’ll find are from celebrity wedding, with incredibly high costs. Plus, any photograph can be framed to look better than the reality. Thus, don’t compare too much or expect too much perfection, or it’s sure to steal the joy from what should be a wonderfully joyous occasion.  

Remember, Pinterest is a great tool. Use it well and responsibly, but don’t get too carried away. After all, a perfect wedding doesn’t mean emulating what you see on social media. It means spending meaningful time with those you love most.