How to Set Your Wedding Budget
When people dream of their wedding day, they often think of lavish events that spare no expense. And, then, reality sets in. Weddings can be quite costly, and most people don’t have the money to just spend without a second thought. And, even if they do have the money, it’s really not wise to spend it so recklessly. Instead, it’s advisable for everyone to create a detailed wedding budget, which they can do with a little thought and planning.
Work with an Expert
First things first, whenever possible, hire a wedding planner before you actually plan or do anything. These professionals are experts in the wedding industry. They can listen to your wants and provide a reliable estimate on how much you can expect to spend. From there, they can help you to dial back (or expand) your wishlist if needed. Plus, they often have connections that open them (and you!) up to nice discounts that can go a long way toward padding out your budget.
Don’t Skimp Where it Counts
If you do find that you can’t have everything you dreamed up—and many people can’t—then sit down and really think about what matters most to you at your wedding. This will be different for everyone. Maybe you can live without exotic flowers if it means a great dinner. Or, maybe you just want to have a more intimate wedding with only the most important people there. Only you can decide what’s most important to you. But, if you do, you should find it easier to cut back on costs while still getting the wedding you truly want and that you will remember fondly.
Save, Save, Save
Finally, in the months or, even better yet, the year leading up to your wedding, save as much as possible. Even if you’re planning on being thrifty with your wedding, the costs almost always end up being more than you originally thought. Thus, every extra bit of scrimping and saving you can do, whether it’s giving up vacations or restaurants, can really help.
Budgeting may not be one of the most fun or glamorous parts of planning a wedding. But, if you do it with care, it should make your big day and the months to follow a lot less stressful.