Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Wedding Planning?

Too Much Wedding Planning?

When you’re planning a beautiful wedding in even-more-beautiful Maui, it can become all too easy for your wedding and its details to consume you. And, since planning a wedding is already stressful for even the most content of couples, the last thing you want is for wedding prep to drive a wedge between you and your spouse-to-be. After all, weddings are meant to be something that, by definition, bring couples together, not tear them apart. Thus, read on to learn how you can execute an almost perfect wedding without damaging your relationship in the process.

Hire A Wedding Planner

First of all, one of the smartest things you can do for yourself and your partner is to hire a professional wedding planner. This will remove a ton of stress and weight off of your shoulders

Sure, you have to tell a wedding planner what you want and confirm the details, but they basically do all of the “heavy lifting” for you. Thus, other than sending a quick okay or “not quite” to your planner, you and your partner are free to keep living your lives and enjoying one another’s company, which is exactly the way it should be in the time moving up to your wedding.

Share Responsibilities

Even if you and your partner agreed that one person would be the point person for the wedding, know that you both need to be involved in the planning. If one person is doing all the work, resentment can easily build, which can put a major damper on your wedding day, and maybe even on your marriage itself.

Thus, make sure each partner has a job or, even better yet, jobs to do. That way, no one feels like they want the wedding more than the other or like there’s an unfair delegation of responsibility.

Schedule Time Off

Finally, make sure you and your partner schedule some designated days off in which talking about the wedding is off-limits. This is the perfect time to have a date night, like a nice dinner together or seeing a movie or both.

When you set time aside to just bond and be the people you each fell in love with, a lot of that wedding stress will melt away. Thus, whether things turn out “perfect” (and there really is no such thing) or not, you’ll remember why you’re getting married in the first place, and nothing else will matter.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is not to let wedding stress get to you and the one you love.