Post-Wedding Dress Ideas

Once you’ve tied the knot and said, “I do,” you’re left with a big, probably poofy wedding dress taking up space in your closet. For some brides, that’s not a problem. They’ll take it out and stare at it from time to time, happy to have it close at hand. Others, though, prefer to do something with their dress. If you’re in this second category, consider these creative ideas for making use of your gown after the big day.

Have it Professionally Packaged

If you want to keep your dress but don’t want it hanging in your closet, professional preservation is a great option. There are many companies that will package up your dress in a way that keeps it safe, compact, and ready for its next adventure, whatever that might be. Whether you want to hand it down to a future child or just keep it perfect forever, professional packaging is the way to go. Just make sure to clean it ahead of time. After all, sand from the beaches of Maui or stains from your wedding cake are not quite the memories you want to cherish.

Make Something Amazing

Are you the crafty type? If so, why not get creative with your wedding dress? There are many fun ways to upcycle that gown and give it a new purpose. You can work portions of the dress into a quilt, use the fabric in an art project, or turn it into a baby blanket. The choice is yours, so don’t be afraid to think outside the box and do something different.

Give it to Someone Who Needs It

Your used gown could be your chance to give back. You can have it repurposed into a prom dress for a young girl in need. Or, you could find a bride-to-be on a budget and gift it to her. There are also many charities that will gladly accept used wedding dresses as a tax-deductible donation.

Wear it in a New Way

Just because something starts out as a wedding dress doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. You can easily change your dress into something new to wear, either on your own or with the help of a professional seamstress. From fluffy skirts to cute sundresses and cocktail gowns, the sky’s the limit when it comes to redesigning your dress. You can even dye it a new color for a totally new look.

Your wedding dress is yours and will remain yours long after the ceremony is over. That means you can do with it what you like. Whether that’s keeping it for the memories, creating new ones, or just letting it go, it’s your decision to make. Do whatever feels right for you, and you should have no regrets.