Reasons to Rent Your Wedding Dress

Reasons to Rent Your Wedding Dress

There’s a very good chance that you know quite a few people who, despite being married years ago, still have their wedding dresses. Maybe they plan to pass them on to their children one day. Or, perhaps they just can’t part with something that has so much sentimental value. People choose to keep their wedding dresses for a variety of reasons, but not everyone does.

In fact, many people find it more affordable and more practical to rent a wedding dress, wear it, and then send it back where it came from. While this option may not be for everyone, it definitely has its benefits.

Renting is a “Green” Choice

Traditional wedding dresses may be white, but renting your dress is a “green” choice! Consider all the effort and resources that go into making a wedding dress. Now, consider the fact that you’ll only wear that dress once. When you look at it that way, it’s easy to see that wedding dresses can be quite wasteful, at least if you buy them brand new and then quickly stash them away somewhere.

A much better choice is to rent a dress. The dress can still be beautiful. Plus, it will get a lot of use and won’t take up space in your home. You get to look great on your big day and help the environment in the process, which is quite the win-win situation.

You’ll Save Money

Wedding dresses can get crazy expensive. Renting a dress, though, usually costs only a few hundred dollars or less. Often, you even get a deposit back once the dress is safely returned. Thus, you save quite a bit of money by choosing to rent. And, what’s even better is that you can use the money you saved for something wonderful, like a honeymoon stay on Maui or a nice purchase for your new home together.

There’s No Pressure

Sometimes, wedding dresses can come with a lot of pressure. Maybe you have a family member who desperately wants you to wear their wedding dress. Or, maybe you’re just having a hard time finding the perfect dress. You might even be worried about keeping the dress in perfect condition on your wedding day so it can become the next family “heirloom.”

When you rent a dress, you can let go of a lot of that pressure. You can just pick a dress you like and that’s the right size, wear it for a day, and then hand it back over for cleaning and future use.

If you just can’t let go of your dream of having a “forever” wedding dress, that’s okay. But, if you want a simple, no-hassle option that will allow you to save money and check yet another item off your to-do list, renting a wedding gown is the way to go!