Should You Write Your Own Wedding Vows?

Should You Write Your Own Wedding Vows?

Your wedding vows consist of pledges and promises that you make to your spouse-to-be. They can be funny, romantic, heartfelt, or a combination of all three. Because so many couples desire personal, meaningful vows, it’s not uncommon for one or both people to write their own. If you’re trying to decide whether that’s right for you, consider these questions.

Are You Good With Words?

There’s a reason that people sometimes hire professional vow writers. Writing is hard work, and it doesn’t come naturally to everyone. So, before you grab a pen, be honest with yourself about your writing ability. If you’re good at communicating through words, then go for it. If writing isn’t your strong suit, however, you may want to stick to the basics or have a more seasoned writer lend a hand.

Are You Okay With Getting Personal?

Writing your own vows is one thing, but saying them out loud, in a room full of people, is something else entirely. As you craft your vows, think about how comfortable you feel with actually speaking them. If you feel scared or uncomfortable at the thought, you may want to rethink your decision. After all, you can always write a letter to your partner and share it privately. Some couples even find this more meaningful than publicly sharing their private feelings.

Do You Dare To Be Different?

For some people, tradition is best. If you’ve always dreamed of saying more standard vows and having a more traditional wedding, that’s perfectly okay. Writing your own vows is fine too, and you don’t necessarily have to stick to what you think vows are supposed to sound like. There really are no rules, so if you want to sing your vows, put them in a poem, or do something else a little off the beaten path, the choice is yours to make.

Whether you’re getting married in beautiful Maui or your own back yard, the words you say matter. They matter as long as you say them from the heart, regardless of whether you wrote them or not. So, do what feels right for you and your partner, and then put your heart into whatever you choose to say. That’s a surefire way to guarantee wedding success.