Stop the Stress: Tips for Cutting Down on Wedding-Related Worry

Stop the Stress: Tips for Cutting Down on Wedding-Related Worry

Planning your wedding can be fun. After all, it’s getting you ready for the happiest day of your life. Unfortunately, though, a lot of brides and grooms feel pressure to make everything perfect. And, if you’re not careful, this can lead to a lot of added stress and anxiety. If you’re feeling the wedding planning blues or just want to know how to ward them off, read on and follow these helpful tips.

Don’t Compare

These days, you can find pictures of weddings everywhere. Social media is full of images of smiling couples, expensive venues, and incredible decorations. While it’s fine to browse through these photos and get ideas, be careful that you don’t fall into the “comparison trap.” In other words, you shouldn’t constantly compare your wedding venue or dress to other people’s.

Constant comparison can steal away your joy and cause you to make irrational decisions and overspend. Remember, a wedding shouldn’t be about competition. It should be about being grateful for what you have and celebrating with those you love.

Prioritize Downtime

When you’re planning a wedding, there’s always something to do. You might have invitations to send out or bridesmaids to touch base with. But, amid all the hustle and bustle, make sure to take some time for yourself. Your mental and physical health matter. Thus, prioritize the little but all-important things like getting enough sleep, eating frequently, and even giving yourself some time to decompress and think about things other than your upcoming nuptials.

Have a Back-Up Plan

Wedding worries are often related to the “what ifs?” You might find yourself fretting over how you’ll cope if your dream venue isn’t available, if you have to change dates, or if a loved one’s flight gets delayed. And, while you can’t control everything, you can come up with some helpful backup plans. For example, have a second choice venue in mind. Or, if you’re getting married on the beaches of Maui and are worried about the weather, have tents or a rain location available. The more just-in-case plans you have, the less there is to worry about.

It’s hard not to get caught up in wedding planning stress. But, whenever you feel a wave of it coming on, take a deep breath. Concentrate on the person you’re marrying. Think about how good you’ll feel on your actual wedding day . . . even if every single detail isn’t perfect. This, along with following these tips, can keep your expectations and your stress levels in check.