Sugar Flowers on Your Wedding Cake

Sugar Flowers on Your Wedding Cake

These days, you see all kinds of trends come and go in wedding cake design. This is especially true in Maui, which is a popular and upscale wedding locale that sees lots of groundbreaking ideas. However, one trend has been around for a while and seems to be here to stay: sugar flowers on wedding cakes.

What are They?

Sugar flowers are exactly what they sound like. They are flowers made from sugar and other edibles. They may wind around a cake or sit on top of it. But, no matter where they lie, they are delicious, attractive, and offer a host of unique benefits.

They Can Look Just Like the Real Deal

Sometimes people put real flowers on wedding cakes, often with some kind of barrier underneath or around them. However, try as they might to prevent it, these flowers can still affect the taste of the cake, making them a less-than-ideal option.

Sugar flowers, on the other hand, when made by a talented cake artist (and, yes, that’s a real thing!), can look exactly like real flowers without any unsavory effects. They’re an easy way to make your cake look fancy and elaborate without any bad aftertastes, making them a particularly popular option for “green” or environmental weddings.

They Make a Great Keepsake

Despite the fact that sugar flowers are made of, well, sugar, they can hold up for a surprisingly long time if kept in the right conditions. In fact, many brides and grooms will save a decorative flower or two in their freezers as a special keepsake. The ability to do that is just another thing that makes this unique cake trend so special.

They’re Versatile

It’s also nice that sugar flowers can be made in any shape, color, style, and arrangement according to the couple’s desires. If a flower is hard to find in Maui, out of season, or just out of your budget, it’s no problem. Just make one out of sugar!

Sugar flowers are a big fad right now. But, given all of their benefits, they may just be around to stay, at least until the next big thing.