Maui Honeymoon

Don’t Forget These Honeymoon Essentials

Wedding planning requires a lot of time, energy, and work. In fact, it takes so much effort that a lot of couples give it their all and forget about the honeymoon in the process. Whatever you do, don’t make this mistake. Your honeymoon is the fun part. It’s a joy-filled time to celebrate your new life with the one you love. So, start planning for it early, and, while you’re at it, plan your packing list too. To get you started, here are some must-have essentials.

Appropriate Attire

You’re probably going to take a lot of pictures on your honeymoon. Furthermore, you, your children, and even your future grandchildren are going to look at those photos for years to come. Thus, you want to look your best in every image, which means packing appropriate, attractive attire. What you’ll need can vary depending on where you’re going. After all, a packing list for Maui is going to look very different from a packing list for Paris. Thus, just think about where you’re heading, what activities you’ll be doing, and the kinds of clothes that will make you feel your best without being stuffy or uncomfortable. Don’t be afraid to buy a few new outfits either. Just like a wedding, a honeymoon is a special occasion, and it’s okay to go all out.

Just-in-Case Items

The more you plan, the more prepared you’ll be. That’s a good sentiment to live by when it comes to your honeymoon. With that in mind, try to think of any little need that might pop up, and prepare for it. If you’re prone to an upset tummy, for instance, go ahead and pack some antacids, especially if you’ll be trying new foods. Also, bring along essential just-in-case items, like bandages, sunscreen, and an extra phone charger. Sit down with your partner and talk about other trips you’ve taken and items you wished you’d had. Then, add those to your list. Friends and family members can probably give some good suggestions as well.

Something to Stash it All In

Those just-in-case items only work if you have something you can easily carry them in. So, as you pack your suitcase, be sure to add in a comfortable backpack, a roomy purse, or something else you can easily transport from one honeymoon adventure to another. Also, try and choose something that’s compact so that it doesn’t take up too much room in your luggage.

When you’re in the midst of wedding planning, honeymoon prep may be the last thing on your mind, but it’s a necessity. Get those travel plans set in place and then tackle the gathering and packing jobs. The sooner you get it done, the sooner you can stop stressing and start enjoying.