Maui Wedding Coordinator

What Wedding Day Expenses Should You Cover?

What Wedding Day Expenses Should You Cover?

It’s no secret that planning a wedding costs money. However, attending a wedding can be costly too. This is especially true for people who are actually in the wedding. Plus, costs can rise even more if it’s a destination wedding. If you’re getting married in Maui, for example, guests should be prepared to pay for airfare and a hotel stay.

The key is to make sure your guests and wedding party members understand what is and is not covered by you. You also have to make sure you’re taking care of at least some of the expenses so your guests don’t feel cheated.

Floral Arrangements

To start with, couples should not expect their wedding party members to pay for anything flower-related. This includes any floral displays, individual bouquets, and boutonnieres. If you want these things in your wedding, you’ll have to take care of the cost yourself. Asking your guests to foot the floral bill or even part of it is considered rude.


Before you panic, know that engaged couples aren’t expected to pay for every single meal their guests have leading up to the big day. However, you should be prepared to feed your attendees at least twice. It’s customary for couples or their families to pay for the rehearsal dinner and any food at the wedding reception. Keep in mind that you can cut costs by preparing the food yourself. Furthermore, you don’t have to serve a full meal at the reception if you don’t want to.

Gifts and Mementos

When people attend your wedding, they expect to leave with at least a small souvenir. Thus, be prepared to spend money on favors for all guests and gifts for each member of your wedding party. Again, you don’t have to go all out or break the bank. Something small and thoughtful will do the trick just fine.

Weddings do come with some expense involved. That’s true whether you’re saying “I do” or just sitting in the audience. As long as everyone understands this fact and pulls their financial weight, your special day should be a huge success.