Thoughts about a "First Look" Photo Session

Thoughts about a “First Look” Photo Session

Recently, a new trend has taken hold in the world of Maui wedding photography. This trend is the “first look” photo session, and it’s exactly what it sounds like. It’s a series of photos capturing the moment when the bride and groom see each other, all dressed up in their wedding garb, for the first time.

Some couples love the idea of these photo sessions, while others prefer to stick to tradition and only lock eyes when the bride comes down the aisle. Then, there are people who are on the fence about the whole thing. If you’re in that middle-of-the-road category, consider these factors to make the right decision.

Do You Want The Moment To Be Intimate?

What do you want that first look moment to be like? Do you want it to be one that your entire wedding party and your guests take in together as a whole? If so, then you may want to skip the planned photo session and just have everyone’s natural reactions captured.

If you’d prefer for the first look to simply be a special, private moment between you and your soon-to-be spouse, however, a session that includes just the two of you, plus the photographer, is a great idea.

Do You Have The Time?

For many couples, the wedding day is overly booked. If yours is already jam-packed, you may not want another photo session to add to the list. These sessions typically take about 45 minutes or so, and you don’t want them or that special moment to feel rushed or full of pressure. If your wedding day isn’t super scheduled, however, then why not consider it? In fact, many couples find these sessions to be a nice way to escape from the hustle and bustle of the big day and enjoy some quiet(er) time together.

Ultimately, you and your partner are the only ones who can decide whether or not you want first-look photos. But, if you do, choose a good photographer who knows how to be unobtrusive and let you have your moment . . . all while getting some great shots!