Wedding Planning 101 for Long-Distance Couples

Wedding Planning 101 for Long-Distance Couples

Planning a wedding is hard work for anyone. It’s especially hard, however, for couples in a long-distance relationship. When you don’t get to see each other daily, it’s difficult to make wedding-related decisions together. And, chances are that you can’t call your spouse-to-be every time a wedding issue or question comes up. However, don’t panic. With a little strategic planning, the two of you can still have an awesome wedding without going insane.

Consider Hiring A Wedding Planner

The absolute best advice for long-distance couples is to hire a professional wedding planner. This is especially helpful if you’re having your wedding on Maui or at another destination location, i.e. somewhere that neither of you will be prior to the wedding. Then, you’ll be juggling three locations: yours, your partner’s, and the wedding location! A wedding planner can take some of the stress off and be present when you can’t. It’s really the smartest investment you can make.

Choose A Leader

Whether you hire a wedding planner or not, one of you is going to have to step up and be the “leader” in planning the wedding. Ideally, this should be the person who lives in or is closest to the wedding location. Whoever it is, though, should be comfortable making decisions without the other person present and with doing the bulk of the planning work. With that said, you and your partner should spend a lot of time discussing what you both want and would like to see in your wedding. But, ultimately, the leader will probably have to make a few judgment calls, and both of you will just have to roll with it.

Make Time For Your Relationship

As a final tip, don’t get so caught up in planning your wedding that you forget to focus on your relationship. When you do get to see each other, don’t spend the whole time stressed out and squeezing in planning sessions. As a long-distance couple, you really need to cherish your time together. Go on a date or spend time talking about things other than the wedding. If you don’t, your relationship is likely to suffer. Of course, this isn’t to say you can’t do some planning, but it shouldn’t be the main focus when you and your partner are around one another.

Planning a wedding when you’re not physically together can be done. In fact, these days, thanks to Zoom and Skype and other technologies, it’s easier than ever. And, it’s especially easy if you keep these tips in mind as you do it!