What Should Your “Something Blue” Be?

What Should Your “Something Blue” Be?

A longheld tradition (some might say superstition) is for a bride to have “something blue” on her person during her wedding day. While you don’t necessarily have to honor this tradition, doing so can be fun. Plus, if you believe in luck, abiding by this “rule” could potentially bring it your way. Even better yet, you get to choose exactly what your “something blue” is, which can be a fun way to add a unique, intimate touch into your special day.

A Blue Ribbon

If you want to follow this tradition in a simple way, all you need is a nice piece of blue ribbon. Even cord or string will do the trick as well. You can use this item to hold your wedding flowers together. Many brides who take this route like that it’s a simple touch and one that only the most observant guests will notice.

A Local Touch

Celebrate your wedding destination by making your blue item something local. A blue traditional flower or a blue-ish seashell from the Maui beaches are fun ideas. If neither of those click with you, though, just spend some time exploring your wedding locale until you find your special blue item. Not only will you get more familiar with a meaningful place, but you’ll end up with a memorable blue touch that you and your beloved can look back on fondly.

Blue Jewelry

If you prefer your blue to be a bit more noticeable, opt for some blue or blue-ish jewelry. This could be anything from a light blue ring to a bright blue necklace. Choose a piece that works for you and that complements your wedding dress, wedding colors, or overall wedding style.

A Blue Secret

Want to keep your blue touch as a special secret? If so, do something intimate, such as wearing blue underwear that doesn’t show through your dress or even sewing a small piece of blue fabric into the hem or underside of your dress.

Having something blue may be a silly tradition to some. But, for others, it’s great fun or a way to add some intimacy or personality into a wedding. As long as you “do blue” in a way that works for you, you’re sure to have a good time honoring this tradition. And, if you choose to ignore it altogether, that’s okay too. After all, it’s your day!