When Your Wedding Guest List is Too Large

When Your Wedding Guest List is Too Large

Often, brides-and-grooms-to-be will invite anyone and everyone they can think of to their wedding. They may do this because they haven’t really considered how many people they can easily accommodate, or because they expect that a big percentage of the guest list won’t be able to attend. And, while that works out okay for some couples, other couples find that way too many people actually RSVP for the big day and that they’re left facing challenges such as inadequate space or added expenses. Of course, the best solution is to avoid this through careful planning in the first place. But, if it’s too late for that, then you do have a few options to help get things back on track.

Call Your Venue

The first and most important step is to call your wedding venue and to see if they can find a way to accommodate your larger-than-expected party. Often, venues are familiar with this problem and will be able to rearrange some things, such as seating charts, layout plans, or even what room your event is going to be held in, to accommodate you. If you’re in a beautiful location like Maui, you may even be able to get away with moving the ceremony and other festivities outdoors if the venue has an outdoor space available.

Change the Meal Plan

If expense, not space, is the main concern related to your large wedding guest list, then consider cutting costs where you can. A very easy way to do this is by altering the food, arguably one of the most expensive parts of the wedding. Opt not to serve a full meal to every guest, and instead go for appetizers and drinks. No one will remember selecting a meal on their RSVP anyway! Or, if your venue allows, you could even get away with having your wedding party fed potluck style, which many people prefer since it allows everyone to contribute to the big day.

The Bottom Line

A big wedding is great, but a too-big wedding can be a hassle. If you find yourself facing one, follow these tips and keep calm. Chances are that everything will work out okay. And, ultimately, even if you do gently have to reduce your wedding party, all that truly matters is that your nearest and dearest are in attendance.