Who Gets a Tip at a Wedding?

Who Gets a Tip at a Wedding?

Tipping is customary in many common wedding locales, such as Maui, Vegas, and more. With that said, however, knowing who expects a tip and what it should be can be challenging. A good rule of thumb is to always check and see if a gratuity is included in the charge. If it’s not, then, in most cases, you should probably plan to tip at least something. The handy guide below can give you a better idea of what to expect in terms of tipping culture.

Religious Officiants

In most cases, religious officiants, such as priests or rabbis, are not going to expect tips. In fact, in many cases, they will refuse them on principle. However, this does not mean that a nice gesture isn’t appreciated. In lieu of a tip, you can consider giving your wedding officiant a small gift or even a donation to their church. Of course, this rule can change with licensed officiants who aren’t necessarily or traditionally religious. In these instances, it’s best to research customary practices for the type of officiant you have chosen.


If you hire performers, such as musicians, for your wedding, there really isn’t a standard tip that has to be offered. However, not tipping at all can be seen as rude. Thus, consider tipping each performer around $10 to $20, or more, especially if they do something extra special to add to your big day, such as honoring requests or learning a new song.


When it comes to photographers, tipping is generally only necessary if you’ve hired someone who works through a company. These individuals, unlike independent photographers, don’t get to keep all of the money that they earn. Thus, it’s customary, and just plain nice, to give them a little something extra. Usually, around $30 (or more) should do the trick.


Finally, don’t forget to tip the people who deliver necessary items to your wedding. The professionals delivering flowers, the cake, and other items deserve a tip similar to what you might tip a food delivery service. It doesn’t have to be anything big, but should be enough to show that you are appreciative of the convenience and service provided.

Tipping can be tricky. When in doubt, just remember that it’s always better to give at least a little something rather than nothing. After all, you don’t want your big day to be clouded by worries of potentially having offended someone who was providing you with a service.