Dreaming Of A Destination Wedding? Try These Tips

Dreaming Of A Destination Wedding? Try These Tips

Are you dreaming of a destination wedding? If so, you’re in for a lot of fun. Destination weddings can be a blast to plan. However, they do take some real work and thought. As long as you plan with care, though, your dream destination wedding can become a reality.

Research Your Destination

The key factor in a destination wedding is, of course, the destination! Whether you’re thinking about Maui or Jamaica or anywhere in between, research prospective destinations thoroughly. Know the average wedding cost in your chosen area, approximate flight and hotel costs, and even what the weather is like during your wedding month. You can also look into fun activities, tourist sites, honeymoon packages, and other offerings. The more you know, the easier it is to pick a destination that’s just right for you.

Plan Away

Once you’ve picked a destination, start planning. The sooner you do this, the better. Depending on your destination, you might need to purchase a passport, help loved ones arrange travel plans, or request extra time off work. A lot of things have to fall into place for a destination wedding to happen, so don’t wait until the last minute to get your ducks in a row.

Make Some Local Connections

When you’re hosting a wedding away from home, finding the help you need can be challenging. You’ll need lots of locals, like caterers, decorators, and florists, to help put your wedding together. If you’ve booked a nice hotel or already have your venue, reach out to the staff for local recommendations. You can also make phone calls and arrange video chats to find and hire providers without being there in person. Or, if your budget allows, you can hire a local wedding planner to take care of all of that for you.

Do destination weddings require a little extra work? Yes. Is it worth it? Absolutely! A destination wedding can feel like a living fairytale, and if it’s what you want, go for it. As long as you’re prepared and willing to tackle each challenge that comes your way, you can have the magical wedding you’ve always wanted.