Wonderful Wedding Reading Ideas

Wonderful Wedding Reading Ideas

Wedding readings are very popular at weddings these days. They’re typically small speeches or readings of published works that take place near the beginning of your ceremony. When used correctly, they can set the tone for your wedding and for your marriage itself. And, whether you’re getting married in Maui or in your hometown church, they can be a beautiful addition to your special day. The key is to choose them with care, and luckily, there are many options to pick from.

Write Something Original

Readings don’t always have to be stiff, formal, or from some famous work. Instead, they can just be sentimental words of your own. If you’re the creative type, you can come up with a reading by yourself. Even better, you and your partner can craft the reading together. If you take this route, spend some time thinking about the feel of your wedding and what you want to communicate to your guests and to each other.

Do Something Spiritual

If you and your partner are the religious or spiritual type, why not incorporate your faith into your special day? If there are scriptures from a religious text that speak to you, have them read at your wedding. Alternately, you could take lyrics from a hymn or have your opening reading be more of a prayer.

Ponder Prose

When you think of love and romance, you probably think of poetry. After all, a great many poems and sonnets have been written on the subject of love and marriage. Many of these poems make excellent wedding readings, so comb through books or look online to find the perfect poem to express how you feel. Song lyrics can work here too, especially if you and your partner have a song that’s special to you.

Believe it or not, these are just a few of many ideas for your wedding reading. You could hire a writer to craft a reading for you. Or, you could use quotes from your favorite movie or TV show. There’s really no wrong or right way to go about it. As long as your reading is meaningful to you, that’s all that matters.