Fun Ways To Remember Your Wedding Day

Fun Ways To Remember Your Wedding Day

Your wedding day is a day you’ll remember and cherish for years to come. Making an effort to create meaningful memories can make it even more special. If you’ve been looking for some clever ways to commemorate the day you said “I do,” give these tricks a try.

Take Away A Little Something

Mementos don’t have to be extravagant or expensive. In fact, some of the best souvenirs are simple little reminders. If you’re getting married in Maui, for example, you could scoop a little sand into a bottle. You could also keep a card from your venue, press a wedding flower, or buy a silly souvenir to display proudly in your home.

Get Your Friends Involved

Your wedding is about you and your partner, but it’s also about bringing together the people you love. Don’t hesitate to get those loved ones involved in the memory making. You could ask everyone to write down a memory they have of the two of you. Someone could then read these memories at the reception, or you could keep them and take a look on your anniversary. Some couples also like to get creative with the guestbook, like having guests draw on a canvas or asking them to record a short video message to you on your big day.

Frame Your Favorites

Once the wedding is behind you, you’ll probably want to rest and not do anything for quite a while. But, before you put your feet up, go through your wedding photos. If you find pictures you love, get them sized, framed, and displayed right away. The longer you put it off, the less likely it is that you’ll actually do it. And, since you pay good money for wedding photos, you might as well make use of them.

Your beautiful memories will help get you through difficult days, so work hard to preserve those cherished moments. It doesn’t really matter how you do it. Just create memories in a way that works for you and your spouse. It may take a little effort, but you’ll be so glad you did it.