Fun Wedding Entrance Ideas

Fun Wedding Entrance Ideas

When you think of a wedding entrance, you probably think of the most important one of all: that moment when the bride walks down the aisle and everyone gasps. However, there’s another special entrance worth embracing as well: the entrance to your wedding reception.

These days, people are making their entrances more elaborate and grander than ever. If you’d like to follow suit and do something special for yours, consider these great ideas.

Consider An Elaborate Vehicle

You could arrive, for example, in a unique vehicle, on a motorcycle, in a horse-drawn carriage, or if you really want to get elaborate, in a helicopter or a hot air balloon. The sky’s the limit (literally!) when it comes to the creative ways you can utilize unique vehicles to make an elaborate entrance.

Reveal Your Honeymoon Destination

You know how all those couples are doing gender reveals these days? Well, it’s also becoming common to do honeymoon reveals, and what better time to show off where you’re going than during your entrance to your reception?

Whether it’s Maui or even just a cozy bed and breakfast, you can reveal it by wearing themed clothing, playing relevant music, or even holding up (or wearing!) a sign as you walk in. Your guests will have a blast learning where you’re going for this special trip.

Shower Yourselves

If you need something less elaborate and more affordable, you could always do a simple confetti drop as you walk in. You and your guests will enjoy the beauty and fun of getting showered with confetti. And, the best part is, as the guests of honor, no one will expect you and your new spouse to stay and clean up afterwards!

These are just a few of many excellent ideas for a grand wedding entrance. Try one of these or dream up something of your own. As long as you make your entrance special, you and your guests are sure to remember it forever!