Hiring A Wedding Band? Follow These Tips

Hiring A Wedding Band? Follow These Tips

Live music is often the highlight of a wedding reception, especially if the band is really great. If you’ve decided to hire a band for your big day (and night), there are a few things to know. These tips will help you have a wonderful wedding band experience from the first song to the last.

Show Them The Schedule

Good wedding receptions are those that are carefully planned. You don’t have to follow a super strict timeline, but you should have an idea of when you’ll be doing key things, like having the first dance, cutting the cake, and more. Your band should be aware of your timeline too and what’s expected of them at each stage. That way, they won’t miss a beat and your reception can go off without a hitch.

Focus On Emotions

As you plan your song list or talk to your band about the types of music you want them to play, focus on the emotional impact of your choices. For example, do you want most of your songs to be slow, sweet, and romantic? Are you hoping to see a few tears shed during sentimental ballads? Or, maybe you want the bulk of the night to be loud and celebratory. Whatever the case may be, be clear about what you want and communicate your desires to your band.

Help Them Out

Your band is providing you with a valuable service. As such, be kind and considerate toward them. Secure a spot where they can easily load and unload their equipment. Also, allow them ample time to get set up and, if you can, a quiet place to warm up and practice before the big event. As a final courtesy, consider providing the band members with food, drink, and of course, a big slice of wedding cake. They’ll appreciate your efforts, and you may just get some extra playing time out of the deal.

Whether you’re getting married in beautiful Maui or your own back yard, your wedding band can make your reception truly unforgettable. Whether that’s a good or bad kind of “unforgettable” is up to you. Luckily, a little planning can go a long way.