How Many “Yes” Responses Can You Expect To Your Wedding?

Maui Destination Wedding - Your Aloha Wedding

How Many “Yes” Responses Can You Expect To Your Wedding?

Planning a wedding can be stressful. And, for many couples, one of the most stressful parts is selecting the guest list. Unless you have a giant venue that can hold everyone you know, not to mention an unlimited budget, there are bound to be some hurt feelings or some last-minute sacrifices. Plus, everyone you invite probably isn’t going to agree to come anyway. With that in mind, knowing what to expect in terms of the “yes count,” as well as a few guest list tips, can be a big help.

Expect A High Percentage of “Yes” RSVPs

While every wedding and every circumstance is different, people do love weddings. After all, they represent a chance to socialize, eat some good food, and dress up. Perhaps that’s why the majority of couples can expect more “yes” RSVPs than “no” RSVPs. Typically, you can anticipate that up to 80% of your invited guests are likely to say yes to your invite.

Don’t Over-Invite

Because so many guests are likely to say “yes” to attending your big day, resist the temptation to over-invite. Often, couples think that enough people will say no that they can invite some extras without risking major cost increases. But, in truth, though it’s unlikely, 100% of your invitees could say yes. And, on the off chance that that does happen, you have to be prepared. So, as alluring as it may be, don’t invite more guests than you can actually accommodate or afford.

Expect Fewer Guests at Destination Weddings

As a final piece of advice, know that, if you’re planning a destination wedding, you can expect fewer invitation acceptances. Thus, don’t take it personally if many of your friends say “no.” Not everyone can fly off to Maui or some other exotic location at the drop of a hat. In fact, if having a lot of guests is very important to you, you may want to rethink a destination wedding in the first place, or at least give your most valued guests a lot of advance notice and planning time

Ultimately, you have no real way of knowing how many people will come to your wedding. Even out of those that RSVP, there are likely to be some last minute cancellations or no-shows. All you can do is plan based on what you do know and decide that you are going to enjoy your big day no matter what happens and no matter who does or doesn’t show up.