How To Compromise When Planning A Wedding

How To Compromise When Planning A Wedding

Wedding planning is a lot of fun. You finally get to choose attire, flowers, decorations, and so much more. Of course, it’s also a big responsibility too. And, to add to the stress, you and your partner might not agree on everything. Maybe he wants to have the wedding in Maui, while you were hoping for a hometown wedding. Or, maybe you have different ideas about who should attend or what kind of clothes you should wear. Whatever the case may be, if your wedding is going to happen, you’re going to have to compromise. And, luckily, that’s not too hard to do. It just requires a little effort on each side.

Only Compromise With Each Other

First things first, understand that compromising between two people is hard enough. If you add a bunch of other people and their opinions into the mix, you’re just asking for trouble. So, decide upfront that the only people who really have a say in your wedding are the two of you. From there, you’ll only be dealing with each other’s wants and desires, instead of the wants and desires of a bunch of other people.

Divide And Conquer

As you and your partner start to plan, decide what aspects of the wedding you are really passionate about, and let your partner do the same. If there’s something one person really wants done a certain way that the other doesn’t really care about, let the passionate person have their way. You may find that you can each control totally different things and be just fine. If there are areas of overlap where you have differing opinions, talk through those and both be willing to give a little.

Split Up The Work

When one person is doing all the hard work of planning, they might feel more entitled to having things done their way. Thus, share the work. One partner might find that their “great idea” is more trouble than it’s worth when they’re in charge. Furthermore, if you’re both putting in effort, there’s less likely to be anger and resentment over things you don’t agree on.

Compromising can be a challenge. But, it’s also something you’ll need to do all throughout your marriage, not just your wedding. So, as you work together, remember that you’re just building and strengthening skills that will serve you later on. When you look at it that way and follow these tips, you’ll find that compromise becomes a whole lot easier.