Groom at the Bridal Showers? Here’s What You Need To Know

Groom at the Bridal Showers? Here’s What You Need To Know

Bridal showers are one of the most enjoyable parts of being a bride. They’re big parties thrown in your honor, and you get plenty of gifts to help you on your way to being a married couple. What’s not to like? Of course, with that said, it can sometimes be tricky to know who should attend. The bride, of course, is the honoree, but what about the groom-to-be? Should he go too? This guide will help you decide.

It’s Not Traditional

If you’re a strict traditionalist who likes to abide by etiquette and “rules,” the groom will not be at your shower. That’s because, traditionally, these are all-female affairs. They’re strictly for the bride, her bridesmaids and maid of honor, and any other ladies they want to invite. Of course, in today’s world, people are free to buck tradition or create their own traditions if they want to.

The Middle-Of-The-Road Solution

For those who want a mostly traditional shower, there’s a middle ground. You can have your all-girls event. Then, near the end, the groom can come out, say thank you to everyone, and do a little mingling with the guests. Today, many people actually view this option as more polite than not seeing the groom at all, especially since some gifts may include him.

A Brave New World

As mentioned, there’s no rule that says you have to stick to tradition. If it makes you feel more comfortable to have your partner by your side at all times, go ahead and have him at your shower. Just be prepared to let him invite a few of his friends too so he won’t feel totally outnumbered. Also, in cases of same-sex relationships, it’s fine to have a joint shower or even to throw two separate showers for double the fun. Some people even opt to skip standard “showers” altogether. If you don’t need presents and just want to host a more fun, laid-back event with your friends, that’s fine too.

Just like your wedding, your bridal shower is yours to enjoy. So, make it what you want. Whether that’s a traditional shower, something totally unique, or even something in between, anything goes. All that matters is that you have fun and surround yourself with the people you love.