How to Handle the Stress of Wedding Planning

How to Handle the Stress of Wedding Planning

Planning a wedding is a special event in your life. However, as special as it is, it can also be quite stressful. And, for this reason, it’s important not to get too wrapped up in the planning and scheduling. Otherwise, you’ll miss out on all the fun and joy you should be feeling. After all, you’re about to marry the person you love! Of course, that’s easier said than done, especially when you feel like you have a million things to do. However, there are some simple tips that can help you to both reduce and handle the stress you’re inevitably feeling.

Hire A Wedding Planner

First things first, know that nothing will help you more than hiring a professional wedding planner. These experts have helpful connections to venues, vendors, florists, caterers, and more, which is especially helpful if you’re getting married somewhere unfamiliar to you, such as Maui. Plus, they can do a lot of the hard work for you. All you’ll have to do is provide your input. Reducing wedding stress and still having an awesome day has never been easier!

Have Planning-Free Days

Whether you hire a wedding planner or not, allow yourself to have some “days off” from wedding planning. These should be full days where you don’t talk about or think about your wedding or the details. Instead, you just relax and, ideally, focus on your partner and being together. Yes, you might get a little behind in planning or frustrate your wedding planner, but your mental health and overall wellbeing are more important than anything.

Set Your Budget Ahead Of Time

One of the biggest stresses involved in wedding planning is money! If you’re constantly worried about how much things will cost or what you can afford, you're not going to have any fun. That’s why you should set a realistic budget ahead of time, decide about how much you can spend on each wedding must-have, and then stick to that budget or require your wedding planner to do so. When the financial details are mostly figured out, you’ll find that a lot of your worries disappear.

These tips can be incredibly helpful for reducing wedding planning anxiety. If you can follow them and keep in mind that nothing matters more than you and your partner, everything should fall into place . . . without you falling apart!