Must-Watch Wedding Movies

Must-Watch Wedding Movies

Are you a movie buff who’s about to tie the knot? Or, maybe you’re looking for a fun, no-stress way to spend some time with your partner, your bridesmaids, or someone else close to you? Whatever the case may be, let art imitate life by checking out these must-watch wedding movies. And, who knows? You might even get some last-minute ideas to make your Maui wedding even more amazing!

If You Want To Laugh . . .

Need to laugh away that wedding planning stress? If so, grab your friends, your partner, or both and watch the classic My Best Friend’s Wedding. This film stars Julia Roberts as a longtime “best bud” to a guy who is about to tie the knot. It deals with her mixed feelings about his special day and her attempts to sabotage it. This film is both funny and tender and will take your mind off the difficulties of wedding planning and remind you to focus on what truly matters most: your relationship.

If You Want To Do Something With The Family . . .

Many couples like to have a family get together soon before the wedding. It’s a good way to do something with just the family since most events will include friends and friends of friends. If you host such an event, why not show a movie? A perfect choice is the hilarious My Big Fat Greek Wedding. No matter your heritage, you’ll have a blast laughing over the crazy characters in this film . . . and maybe even comparing them to some of your real-life family members.

If You Want To Party . . .

For something a little more raucous and raunchy, get your crew together and watch Bridesmaids. Or, if you want to be a little less technical on what counts as a “wedding” movie, you could opt for The Hangover. With either pick, you and your friends can laugh your heads off. Plus, as a bonus, you can always create a drinking game to go along with either of these films!

These movies are all great picks for the bride and/or groom to be, but there are so many others. Explore your favorite streaming services to discover even more and then watch away!