Invitation Etiquette Tips

Invitation Etiquette Tips

Getting married is a wonderful thing, something that you’ll want to share with others. But, in order to do that, you’ll need to set a wedding date and then send out invitations. Sounds simple, right? For the most part, it is. But, there are also a few etiquette tips you need to know.

Get the Timing Right

First things first, make sure you give your guests plenty of advance notice about your big day. They may need to request time off work, arrange childcare, or buy some new clothes. Thus, you should generally send out your invitations at least a month in advance, if not more. If you’re getting married in Maui or some other exotic locale, even more advance notice is advisable since guests will need to make travel arrangements.

Take The RSVP Part Seriously

Undoubtedly, the RSVP part of your invitations is the most important. It’s how you determine who is coming to your wedding and if they’re bringing someone. From there, you can tell your caterer how many meals to prepare and arrange seating for every attendee. Thus, make sure your invitations include clear instructions for how to submit RSVPs and when they’re due. Make it clear to guests that they need to have their acceptances in at least a month before your wedding so you have time to prepare for them.

Online Is Okay

As a final tip, don’t feel pressured to give in to tradition and send out paper invitations if you don’t want to. You can actually save a lot of money if you don’t buy and mail fancy invitations. Furthermore, in today’s digital world, people tend to find it a lot easier and a lot less overwhelming to simply send their RSVPs online.

Wedding invitations are just one of many things you’ll need to do to prepare for your big day. And, with so much on your plate, don’t make this simple thing harder than it needs to be. Follow this advice, and get the job done. Then, you can move on to the next task on your long list. Happy planning!