Tips For A Successful Wedding Cake Smash

Tips For A Successful Wedding Cake Smash

There are a lot of wedding traditions. And, let’s face it, some of them are a little on the weird side. What’s not so weird is new couples feeding each other a little bit of wedding cake. It’s actually a sweet symbol of their devotion and care for one another. What is weird, however, is the wedding cake smash. It’s exactly what it sounds like. You smash cake into each other’s faces. If the tradition sounds more fun than dumb to you, then go for it, but do be prepared to follow a few tips.

Do It Outdoors

If at all possible, try and have your wedding cake smash session in the great outdoors. If you’re getting married on the beaches of Maui, this won’t be a problem. If you’re getting married indoors, it can take a little juggling around, but it’s worth it. After all, no one wants to have to clean cake off the floor or get billed a high cleanup fee for excessive mess.

Consider A Smash Cake

Wedding cakes can get expensive, so it can be pretty wasteful to smash a precious piece. If you want the tradition without the waste, consider baking a smaller, simpler, and cheaper cake just for this purpose. Smash cakes can be fun, and you still get to eat and enjoy the real thing once the deed is done.

Protect Your Clothes

If you’re like most people, you’re going to be wearing very nice, very expensive clothes on your wedding day. As such, you probably don’t want messy cake crumbs and frosting all over them. So, when you do your smash, protect your wardrobe. You might want to change into something simpler for the big event. Or, you could wear something protective, like a poncho, while you smash away.

Proper cake smashings take some planning and preparation. But, remember, if you’re not really into the idea or the work involved, it’s perfectly okay to skip it too. After all, at the end of the day, it’s your wedding and your choice. You get to decide which traditions, including this one, to uphold and which ones to throw out.