Tips For Keeping Your Wedding As Private As Possible

Tips For Keeping Your Wedding As Private As Possible

So, you’ve decided you want a private or mostly private wedding. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, there are a lot of things to appreciate about a smaller wedding, like lower overall costs and less family drama to deal with. But, if you want your private little affair to go off without a hitch, you’ll want to follow these helpful tips.

Consider A Destination Wedding

An easy way to keep your wedding intimate without offending anyone in the process is to make it a destination wedding in Maui or another exotic location. Chances are that many people in your life won’t want or be able to travel somewhere far. And, if anyone brings it up, you could always say you didn’t want to make your friends go out of their way to attend. That way, you get your private wedding, and no one gets their feelings hurt.

Be Highly Selective with the Guest List

Some people want a wedding with no guests at all, and that’s totally fine. After all, it’s your big day. Others, however, just want a very select few people in attendance. The problem is that, if you’re not careful, that “select few” can grow into more people than you bargained for. Thus, be careful to only invite people who will respect your wishes and your privacy. If you ask them not to bring a plus one, they should be willing to honor that.

Don’t Broadcast The News

It can be tempting to boast about your upcoming nuptials on social media or to your friends. But, this can quickly lead to a lot of questions about the date and people who just assume they’re invited. To keep things private, only tell a few people about your plans. You can post the wedding pictures and news later on if you want, once the wedding is safely over.

Private weddings can be wonderfully special. And, if they’re what you prefer, then go for it. Ultimately, you have every right to make your day exactly what you want it to be.