Live Music Options for Your Wedding

Live Music Options for Your Wedding

Weddings are a time for celebration. And, at every celebration, whether it’s in Maui or just at your local church, there has to be music! However, it’s up to you to decide what type of music you want. For example, do you want a live singer, a full band, or a DJ? The choice is yours, but to get it right, you’ll need to consider each option with care.


Almost everyone has seen the movie The Wedding Singer. In that film, the heartbroken singer manages to ruin a couple’s wedding. And, while that probably won’t happen to you, the wrong singer can make your ceremony not-so-great.

If you’re hiring just a single singer, make sure they have a wide range of styles and types of music they can do. Otherwise, the whole event could be a little one-note. You’ll also want to ask if they come with an accompanying band. While most professional singers will have at least some accompaniment, you don’t want to expect a full band and then wind up with just a person and their guitar.


Wedding bands are a very popular option. Often, they’ll have more than one person who can sing and a range of instruments, which can make for a more diverse choice than a solo singer. Of course, that diversity comes at a price. Bands tend to be the priciest option for wedding music and typically cost at least $1000 or more depending on the length of your wedding and the band’s popularity. If you don’t mind the cost, though, a good band can provide a fun, interactive experience that your guests are sure to love. Just have them do a few test songs first to make sure you like their sound and style.


With a DJ, the music itself isn’t live, but the person putting on the tunes is. The nice thing about this is they can take requests and give your guests a chance to contribute to the experience. Plus, if they play something you don’t like, all you have to do is tell them to turn it off. DJs also tend to be one of the most affordable options and are a perfect choice for budget-conscious weddings. You do miss out on the thrill of a live performance, though, which can be a downside for some couples.

When it comes to wedding music, all kinds of possibilities exist. So, why not explore them all? The more research you put in, the easier it will be to find a musical option that’s perfectly suited to you and your special day.