Should You Create Your Own Wedding Cake?

Should You Create Your Own Wedding Cake?

Wedding cakes are a staple of pretty much every wedding. After all, who doesn’t like to eat cake? It tastes great whether you’re outside on the beaches of Maui or in a fancy venue. Unfortunately, though, wedding cakes can get pretty pricey, which is why many couples make their own or leave the task to a non-professional friend. If you’re thinking of going this route, consider the advantages and disadvantages with care.

Pro: It Can Be Fun

If you like to bake and are good at it, a do-it-yourself wedding cake can be a lot of fun. It gives you a chance to get creative in the kitchen. Plus, there’s no rule that says you have to do it alone. Why not turn it into a baking party and invite your bridesmaids or groomsmen? Or, you could make it a fun couple’s activity to promote bonding. Whether you make it by yourself or with those you care about, your cake will be even more special for it.

Con: It Probably Won’t Look Ultra Professional

Unless you’re a pro baker or have the skills of one, your homemade cake probably won’t look like the ones you see at celebrity weddings. But, if you’re okay with an imperfect cake, one that’s still going to get eaten, go ahead and cook something up! It will be more uniquely you than anything you could buy at the store.

Pro: It’s More Affordable

A homemade wedding cake will only cost you the price of the ingredients and a little of your time. Professional wedding cakes, on the other hand, can cost hundreds of dollars or even more, depending on where you buy or how fancy the cake is. If you’d rather put your money toward the honeymoon or other fun wedding items, it just makes sense to bake your own cake.

Con: It Does Take Time

Making a cake will probably only take a few hours of your time. But, when you’re planning a wedding, you may not have a ton of time to spare. So, even those few hours can mean giving something up or adding stress on top of stress. For some people, not having to deal with the hassle is worth the price of paying a professional.

Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide how you feel about not having a “pro” wedding cake. Just take some time to honestly assess the advantages and disadvantages. Once you’ve done that, making the right decision will be . . . well . . . a piece of cake.