Planning a Destination Wedding? Consider These Tips

Do you have your heart set on a destination wedding? If so, it’s time to do some serious planning. These weddings can be magical and memorable, but they also require a lot of work. Fortunately, these useful tips can help you pull off a destination wedding with ease.

Tip #1: Set a Realistic Budget

Setting a budget is good advice for any wedding, but especially a destination wedding. When you’re getting married somewhere you’re not familiar with, costs can take you by surprise. You may find that they’re cheaper or more expensive than what you were expecting. But, either way, you have to know what kind of money you’ll be spending. Research costs in the desired wedding area and do some shopping around. Then, sit down and come up with a realistic, facts-based budget.

Tip #2: Notify Your Guests ASAP

The second you set your wedding date, let your guests know about your plans. They may have to arrange flights, book pet sitters or babysitters, or ask for time off from work. Thus, the sooner they get the details, the better. Even then, accept the fact that some of your guests may not be able to make it. Remember not to take it personally. Destination weddings are wonderful, but they ask a lot of the attendees.

Tip #3: Choose Accommodations with Care

When you’re getting married away from home, you and your guests will need somewhere to stay. While you should allow guests to book their own accommodations if they want, you should also offer up a few suggestions. You may even be able to get a discount if you book several rooms at the same hotel or resort. Plus, a group sleepover on the eve of your wedding can be a whole lot of fun.

Whether you’re getting married in Maui, Mexico, or even Milwaukee, a destination wedding is a real adventure. But, don’t go into it blindly. The more you plan and prepare, the more incredible your wedding is likely to be.