Should You Toss the Bouquet?

Should You Toss the Bouquet?

Weddings tend to be big on traditions. One such tradition is tossing the bouquet near the end of the reception. The bride throws her flowers toward all the single women in attendance. Legend has it that whoever catches it will be the next one to marry. While that might sound like fun to some people, others find it sexist or silly. It can also pose a problem for same-sex couples. Luckily, though, if you don’t want to toss the bouquet, you definitely don’t have to. And, if you’re not sure what you’d like to do, just consider a few key questions.

Is Tradition Important to You?

Some people are big on tradition. They have always dreamed of their weddings going according to the standard, and anything less would be a disappointment. If this describes you, you’ll probably want to have a bouquet toss. You don’t want to regret not doing it. Plus, in all honesty, it can be kind of fun.

Do You Have A Lot of Single Friends?

Typically, the bouquet toss involves every unmarried woman in attendance. If you don’t have many single friends, though, things can get awkward. You may only have one or two people to participate in your toss, which can be embarrassing. Things can also get tricky if some “single” women are actually widowed or recently divorced. If you don’t feel comfortable singling people out, especially based on gender and marital status, you can open the bouquet toss up to everyone for “future good luck” or just skip it altogether.

Could It Pose A Danger?

Believe it or not, overzealous guests sometimes get injured during the bouquet toss. They might slip on slick floors. Or, if you’re getting married on the beaches of Maui, for example, someone could end up in the water or with a face full of sand. Cramped spaces also make it more likely for someone to accidentally catch an elbow or knock down someone else. So, if you foresee any type of risk, it’s probably best to avoid the bouquet toss.

At the end of the day, you are in charge of your wedding. You decide which traditions to uphold and which ones to skip. So, as you decide whether or not to do the traditional toss, just go with your gut and your true desires.