Simple Tips for Choosing Your Wedding Destination

Do you have your heart set on a destination wedding? If so, you should know that you’re in for a wonderful adventure. However, you also have some work ahead of you. To start, your most important job is deciding on the location. This all-important task requires some serious thought and planning, but these tips can help.

Tip #1: Work with a Professional

Planning a destination wedding requires a lot more work than planning a local wedding. After all, you won’t actually be in the area of your wedding until closer to the big day. That’s why professional help really comes in handy. Consider consulting with a travel agent and/or a wedding planner experienced with destination weddings. Describe your budget, what you want in a destination, and other important factors. From there, they can suggest ideal destinations, such as sunny Maui or romantic Paris.

Tip #2: See What Venues are Available

Once you’ve settled on some prospective destinations, you’ll want to research venues in your preferred areas. If not working with a wedding planner, be prepared to spend a lot of time sending emails and making phone calls. Compare pricing and availability from one venue to the next to help you decide which destination is truly the best fit. The earlier you can do this, the better. Popular venues get booked up quickly, and you’ll also want to provide your guests with plenty of notice so they can make their own travel plans.

Tip #3: Look Into the Travel Logistics

Finally, consider how you’d actually get to each of your potential destinations. Would one be easier or more accessible than all the others? Are you okay with flying, or would you prefer somewhere within driving distance? Will the majority of your guests be able to make the trip? Considering practical logistics like these can help you make the smartest destination decision.

As you can see, there’s a lot to think about when choosing a locale for your destination wedding. But, don’t panic. Remind yourself of the reasons you want a destination wedding in the first place. Then, take a deep breath, and get to work!