wedding flowers

Should You Make Your Own Floral Arrangements?

Should You Make Your Own Floral Arrangements?

When you’re planning a wedding, you have a lot of tough choices to make. For example, you’ll have to decide what kind of flowers you want and how much you can spend on them. And, because florals can be pricey, some couples prefer a DIY approach. In fact, making your own wedding floral arrangements has become quite popular. It does take some real time and work, though, and not everyone is up to the task. If you’re considering designing your own arrangements, think through this decision with care.

It’s An Investment

DIY floral arrangements can help you save money, but they probably won’t help you save time. You’ll need to watch videos or read articles to learn how to craft even the simplest arrangements. Then, you’ll need time to actually sit down and get the job done . . . all while still planning your wedding. Unless you’re confident that you can take the time to do the job right, it’s probably best to stick to a professional. Also, DIY approaches tend to work best when you have plenty of friends who are willing to pitch in and help.

There May Be Some Limitations

Unless you’re a professional florist with professional connections, you can’t always get every flower at every time of year, at least not easily. Flower availability may also be dependent on your wedding venue. For example, if you’re getting married in Maui, sticking to local tropical flowers makes the most sense. Thus, be prepared to face and work within a few limitations when you create your own bouquets.

Expect Imperfection

When you use a professional florist, there’s an expectation that your arrangements will be perfect. If they’re not, you can send them back and request changes. When you’re making your own arrangements, you’re in control. You’re also the only one to blame if your arrangements don’t turn out exactly like you hoped. And, since you’re not a professional, be prepared for some imperfections. If you’re okay with that, then go ahead and craft away. If not, it’s time to call a florist.

There’s no right or wrong way to prepare for your wedding. It’s all about what you want and what you feel comfortable with. If you’re leaning toward DIY flowers, that’s perfectly fine. Just have realistic expectations so you aren’t met with unwanted surprises.