What You Need To Know About Wedding Flowers

What You Need To Know About Wedding Flowers

Planning a wedding is fun. But, unfortunately, it can often be a bit overwhelming. Sometimes, it feels like there’s just one expense stacked on top of another. There’s just so much to do and buy, including the wedding flowers. If you’re new to buying beautiful blooms, don’t panic. Use these tips to help you prepare.

There Are Tons Of Options

There’s really no end to the amount of wedding flowers you can have. Some couples go all out. They buy bridal and bridesmaids’ bouquets, boutonnieres for the men in the wedding party, decorative floral arrangements, corsages, and more. However, there’s no rule that says you have to buy every type of flower decor available, especially if you’re on a budget.

Spend some time exploring different floral options, but don’t feel pressured into buying anything you don’t really want or need. At the end of the day, it’s your wedding, and you can have as many or as few flowers as you like.

Flowers Are Costly

Many brides balk at the price of wedding flowers. Indeed, they certainly can be more expensive than you might think. Some bouquets or arrangements can even cost hundreds of dollars or more. Thus, prepare yourself for the sticker shock, and make sure you budget more than you think you’ll need for your florals. Even if you scale things back, chances are that flowers will take up a hefty chunk of your wedding budget.

Shop Around

If saving money is important to you, use a few smart shopping tips. For example, try to buy flowers that are local or easy to get and that are in season. In some cases, this can even add a nice, local touch to your wedding. If you’re getting married in Maui, for instance, tropical flowers from the area can be both a beautiful and affordable choice.

Also, don’t be afraid to shop around and compare prices and offerings from different florists. Many offer special package deals that can help you save big, especially if you’re not picky. Remember too that not every flower has to be expensive. By mixing pricier flowers with more affordable ones, you can create a wedding that’s both beautiful and budget friendly.

Whether your wedding is full of flowers or light on the plant life, don’t let it stress you out. Do what feels right to you, and stay within your budget. At the end of the day, flowers will fade and wither, but the memories you make on your wedding day are what really count.